Rest is Resistance by Tricia Hersey


Join us for Rest is Resistance Book Study.

We will gather for four Monday’s in February to support each other in rest.

February 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th
3-4:30 pm PST | 5-6:30 pm CST | 6-7:30 pm EST

If you sign up, please take a moment to find or purchase your copy of Tricia Hersey’s book if you haven’t already:

We are designing this book study so that rest is at the center. We ourselves are slow readers, so we hold the intention to make this a low-obligation book study space where, regardless of how much you have read, you will be supported to engage in a conversation and practice of rest.

This is a by-donation event. Any contribution you are interested in making is greatly appreciated as it helps us in making our work accessible. You can also support us by contributing to our Patreon!

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The capitalist systems we live in are designed to value constant productivity. Sleep deprivation and hustle culture have been normalized. Learn more about why rest has the power to transform your life here.

We believe in an equitable world where people are supported 100% and no one is left out. If you would like to attend Rest Is Radical, but the cost is a barrier for you, please reach out to us at and inquire about our scholarship rates.